Model files for parts

This page contains models and drawings of some of the drone parts. They can be used for 3D printing and/or laser cutting replacement parts.

Clover 4.2


Deck mount.
Function: Deck for installing battery and Raspberry Pi
Material: Monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Deck Mount.dxf
Deck Mount.ipt
Deck Mount.stp
Deck mount small.
Function: Deck for mounting FPV cameras and mounting stiffening plates.
Material: Monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Deck Mount Small.dxf
Deck Mount Small.ipt
Deck Mount Small.stp
Grab deck.
Function: Deck for installing grippers and external peripherals (camera, rangefinder).
Material: Monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Grab Deck.dxf
Grab Deck.ipt
Grab Deck.stp
LED mount plate.
Function: Fixing the LED strip.
Material: Monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 1 pcs.
LED mount plate.dxf
LED mount plate.ipt
LED mount plate.stp
Prop guard.
Function: Prevent damage of propellers.
Material: Monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 4 pcs.
Prop Guard.dxf
Prop Guard.ipt
Prop Guard.stp
Prop guard mount.
Function: Arc for securing the guard.
Material: Monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 2 pcs.
Prop Guard Mount.dxf
Prop Guard Mount.ipt
Prop Guard Mount.stp
Small leg.
Function: Standard footing element.
Material: Monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 2 pcs.
Small Leg.dxf
Small Leg.ipt
Small Leg.stp
Function: motor mount.
Material: carbon fibre 2mm.
Quantity: 4 pcs.
Central plate.
Function: a place to mount PCBs.
Material: carbon fibre 2mm.
Quantity: 1 pc.
Central Plate.dxf
Central Plate.ipt
Central Plate.stp
Small deck mount.
Function: holds stiffener plates.
Material: carbon fibre 2mm.
Quantity: 1 pc.
Deck Mount Small.dxf
Deck Mount Small.ipt
Deck Mount Small.stp
Stiffener plate.
Function: frame stiffener.
Material: carbon fibre 2mm.
Quantity: 4 pcs.
Stiffener Plate.dxf
Stiffener Plate.ipt
Stiffener Plate.stp

Clover 4.2 WorldSkills


Big leg.
Function: Extended footing element.
Material: Monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 2 pcs.
Big Leg.dxf
Big Leg.ipt
Big Leg.stp
Grip spacer.
Function: spacer for the gripper plates.
Material: monolithic polycarbonate 2mm.
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Grab Spacer.dxf
Grab Spacer.ipt
Grab Spacer.stp

Clover 4

3D print

Laser cut

Contributed models for Clover 4

Reinforced mounting plate for Jetson Nano and additional equipment by Vyacheslav Buzovopen in new window.

Laser cut

Clover 3

3D print

Laser cut
