Contribution to Clover

Clover is mostly an open sourceopen in new window and open hardwareopen in new window project aimed at lowering the entry threshold to development of the projects related to flying robotics. You can contribute to the project by offering fixes and improvements for Clover documentation and software.


To offer changes to Clover documentation or SW, you should have an account at GitHubopen in new window.


All Clover documentation is written in the widespread Markdownopen in new window format. There are many Markdown guides on the Internet.

In Russian: in new window.

In English: in new window, in new window.

For the ease of editing texts, you may use text editors with Markdown support: Typoraopen in new window, Dillingeropen in new window (web), VSCodeopen in new window with the Markdown Editor pluginopen in new window.

We also recommend using the Code Spell Checkeropen in new window VScode plugin.

For a local build of a static documentation website, use the gitbook-cliopen in new window utility.

Fixing documentation errors

If you have found an error in the documentation or if you want to improve it, use the Pull Request mechanism.

  1. Find a file with the article you want in the repository – in new window.

  2. Click "Edit".

    GitHub Edit
  3. Make the necessary changes.

  4. Click "Propose file change".

  5. Describe the change you have made, and click "Create a Pull Request".

  6. Wait for your changes to be approved 😃

More information about Pull Requests is available at GitHubopen in new window (English) or in GIT documentationopen in new window (Russian).

Contributing a new article


If you've made your own project based on Clover, you can add an article about it to the "Clover-based projects" section.

Prepare your article and send it as a pull request to the Clover repositoryopen in new window.

  1. Fork the Clover repository:

    GitHub Fork
  2. Check out the freshly-forked repository on your computer:

    git clone<USERNAME>/clover.git
  3. Open the directory with the source code checkout and create a new branch for your article (for example, new-article):

    git checkout -b new-article
  4. Write a new article in the Markdownopen in new window format and save it in the docs/ru or docs/en folder (for example, docs/en/ Don't forget to give you contacts (e-mail / Telegram / ...) in articles on your projects.

  5. Place additional visual assets in the docs/assets folder and add them to your article.

  6. Add a link to your article to the appropriate section in the file (in the same folder as in the fourth step):

    * Supplementary materials
      * [COEX Pix](
      * [Contribution guidelines](
      * [New article](
      * [RC troubleshooting](
      * [Flashing ESCs](
  7. Commit your changes locally:

    git add docs/
    git commit -m "Add new article for Clover"
  8. Upload your branch to your forked repository on GitHub:

    git push -u origin new-article
  9. Open your repository on GitHub and send a pull request from your branch to Clover:

    GitHub Pull RequestGitHub Create Pull
  10. Wait for the review, be ready to make changes if needed.

  11. Look at your new and useful article at https://clover.coex.techopen in new window !

Easy way

If the above instructions are too difficult for you, send your fixes and new articles by e-mail ( or in Telegram messenger (user @okalachev).

Publishing packages

You also can publish a package, that extends Clover functionality, into the official COEX Debian repository.